Frequently Asked Questions
Is Manga+Press responsive?
Not by itself. However, Manga+Press doesn't output markup other than the comic navigation. Responsiveness depends on the theme that is being used. The themes bundled with Manga+Press — the TwentyEleven thru TwentyFifteen child-themes — all have some level of responsiveness that is dependent on their parent themes.
Is Manga+Press compatible with Advanced Custom Fields
Yes, it is! Manga+Press is simply a stripped down custom post-type with a custom Featured Image meta-box. Like any other post-type, you can add a new field group using ACF — however, you will have to configure your theme to display these custom fields.
Is Manga+Press compatible with the WPML plugin?
I have never had the chance to test Manga+Press with the WPML plugin so I cannot guarantee compatibility.
I set my Latest Comic page to be the home page in the WordPress admin, and now my comics won't show up. What happened?
Unfortunately, setting the Latest Comic page (or the Comic Archive page) to be your Home/Posts page overrides the queries that are run on that page to pull the most recent comic and the past comics. This is by design. I hope to add some functionality in the near-future to correct this.
Do you take feature requests?
I do take feature requests — however, there are a few criteria on which I judge each request:
Does the new feature fit with Manga+Press' current goals?
How well will the new feature fit with Manga+Press' current functionality?
The level of effort needed to integrate the new feature into the Manga+Press core.
Do you provide support for 3rd party themes?
The only themes that I provide support for are the themes that come with Manga+Press, which are child-themes of the default WordPress themes.
Last updated